Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Audrina Patridge shows off hot body along pool
Labels: Entertainment news
Posted by jack at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
When a Man Loves a Man!!
This manga is consist of 5 parts:1)When a Man Loves a Man;2)Last Waltz;3)Nightcap;4)Irokoi;5)U:V.It main about several guys working in host clubs...With the development of the story,the relationship is much more complex.
Afterwards,an accident happened, emotions and feelings clash... Who will finally end up with who? Read on to find out the epilogue of the host series!
The story of the four hosts are very interesting and filled with character development... Takaaki and Shinkawa's love were interupted by Iwaki and also Kenzaki... and the continuing story on the problems they faced, the heartbreaks and reconcilation, really touching... it's not your usual "every-page-is-sex" type of manga but which has a solid character development and intriguing storyline...
When a man loves a man is really manga you cannot miss!
Labels: manga
Posted by jack at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Olympic Five-Ring logo consists of cole flowers
Photo taken on July 29, 2008 shows an Olympic Five-Ring logo consisting of cole flowers in Babao township of Qilian county, northwest China's Qinghai province. Local people plant cole and crop in the pattern of an Olympic Five-Ring logo to express their best wishes to the upcoming Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
Labels: Olympic
Posted by jack at 10:40 PM 0 comments
The prediction of Slayers Revolution 4!
Xellos appears in Slayers Revolution Chapter 3 !!! With his usually smiling face, Xellos is still full of mystery. This time he stands on the side of Kingdom of Ruvinagard together with Waizer.
And in chapter 3 we know that Rezo the Red Priest’s magic is not released by his death. It is unusual. There are two possibilities the one is Rezo did not die; or the magic depend on Shabranigdo. We know Rezo was born with one of the seven pieces of Ruby Eye Shabranigdo sealed within his soul. So his magic are all from the power of Shabranigdo.
In the end of chapter 3 Xellos and Lina was going to fight. But I do not think they will get fighting in chapter 4. It must be a joke or some tricks of Xellos.
Labels: manga
Posted by jack at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Cyrus Turns Down Kiss with Perry
Teen sensation Miley Cyrus has turned down fellow pop star Kate Perry's proposition of sharing a smooch on-stage.
"I Kissed a Girl" singer Perry told reporters she would love to recreate the on-stage kiss made famous by Madonna and Britney Spears at the 2003 MTV Video Music awards.
And her ideal candidate for the steamy encounter would be Disney star Cyrus.
But the "Hannah Montana" star isn't impressed with Perry's proposition, and claims the comment was meant as a revenge tactic because Perry was a backing singer for Cyrus before making it big with her summer smash.
When asked if she would kiss Perry, Cyrus told E! Online, "No thanks!
"She sang on my record. So I think she's kind of getting back at me, because she was doing harmonies and backgrounds."
Labels: Entertainment news
Posted by jack at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Bleach chapter 320 spoiler
Bleach chapter 320 spoiler;^_^ no english,but i will update at first.
CLICK HERE read bleach 320 online .
Bleach 320 summary in japanese;
いづるの相手は 頂を削れ 空戦鷲(アギラ)
おかまは 煌めけ 宮廷薔薇園ノ美女王(レイーナデロサース)
必殺 ビューティフルシャルロッテクールホーン'ミラクルスウィートウルトラファンキーファンタスティックドラマスティックロマンティ
Labels: manga
Posted by jack at 6:43 PM 0 comments
One piece chapter 509 Spoiler
One piece chapter 509 Spoiler;(*^__^*) ……but it is japanese.I will update One piece chapter 509 in english at latest.
1I'第509話 黄猿vs4人の船長
扉絵 CP9(ry スコアを書き込んでるブルーノさん、何かを見てしまった様です
tD#) その頃
<?DI!~ 我らがウルージさんが攻撃を開始しましたw
`?l /HUw
x7gd6"10^ ウルージさん「ずいぶん痛めつけてくれさったな・・・さっきまでの私とは思いなさんな!!因果晒し!!!」
eAP �8!
I!kR:Z 早い話、拳でラッシュです。くまをフッ飛ばします。かっけー
[x=(:soEqC でも、くまレーザー撃たれました
>PQ?|Uk ウルージ「ぐわァっ!!!熱つ」
k5Q1.;fW76 また倒れます
1#AxFdm1 どうやら、ドレークだけがパシフィスタを知っておるようです
Sj/v: � 黄猿「(ドレーク)せいぜいお気をつけなすって・・・・ヒヨッ子の諸君・・・今はわっしもいるのでねェ・・・・!!!」
:mLXB75gH くまがドレークに標的を定め襲い掛かった瞬間、ドレークはくまより巨大化しくまの頭に噛み付きます
W 9}xfy09
rL+.3ZO):P アプー「世にも珍しいゾオン系古代種・・・・!!!初めてみた・・・!!」
!SnLvW89Z 恐竜がくまの頭に噛み付いてるシルエットが。が、くまレーザーがドレークを襲いドレーク吹き飛びます
tgl 4pAc ウルージさん「これは珍しい物を見た・・・」
iG~&uEAJ 黄猿「わっしもいると言ったハズだよォ」
^si[L52BZ 黄猿の蹴りがウルージさんの横腹を捉え、ウルージさんが吹き飛んだ瞬間にホーキンスが何か巨大化して黄猿を攻撃しようとします」
Y}Y~?kE>M| 黄猿「どいつもこいつも・・・億を越える様な輩は化け物じみて恐いね~・・・」
R>;&4Sjr バジル「おわァアアア~~っ!!!目が見えない・・・!!!」
%Lh+W<; 黄猿「何の能力か知らねェけども・・・実体はあるなァ・・・ロギア系じゃなさそうだ。まずは一人目・・・ここまでの長い航海ご苦労だったねェ~~~・・・」
<$25kb R5K
gm!sLZ!X と、トドメをさそうとした瞬間に上に居たアプーが踊り始めたと思ったら黄猿が爆発しました
=20 +(<
Labels: manga, One piece 509
Posted by jack at 1:29 AM 0 comments
Medellin fashion show
A model presents a creation by Beatriz Camacho at the Colombiamoda fashion show in Medellin July 28, 2008.
Posted by jack at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Tite Kubo is Coming!
The Man, The Myth, The Mangaka! That’s right! Bleach creator Tite Kubo is coming to the U.S.! And we can tell you right now he won’t be at your local comic store! There’s only one place big enough to hold a manga artist of this caliber ⎯ the event that draws the writhing mass of otaku, comic book lovers, video game junkies, sci-fi peeps and everything in-between to San Diego ever year ⎯ Comic-Con!
Labels: manga
Posted by jack at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Reality queen Britney Spears
Britney Spears is rumoured to be filming a new reality TV show. The 'Piece of Me' singer - who filmed 'Britney and Kevin: Chaotic' with her ex-husband Kevin Federline in 2005 - has reportedly ordered her entourage to carry professional video cameras with them at all times to capture her antics on film.
A source said: "Britney's bodyguards and other staff members have been told to carry video equipment with them wherever they go so they don't miss a thing. "Whether Britney is high or low, feeling happy or sad, the cameras are there catching it all.
Some of the footage is really explosive and it's going to be must-see TV. "Britney thinks a new reality show is just the thing she needs to help her kick start her career and prove to her fans she has put her recent troubles behind her."
The singer - who received rave reviews when she appeared in two episodes of US TV sitcom 'How I Met Your Mother' earlier this year - was even videoed by her assistant while on holiday in Mexico this year, and her bodyguards have regularly been seen filming her.
Britney recently shot footage for Madonna's upcoming Sticky and Sweet Tour. The footage, which includes the pair gyrating against each other and Britney losing her mind when she gets stuck in a lift, will be screened to fans on Madonna's via 20ft screens.
Labels: music
Posted by jack at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Audrina: ‘I Don’t Blame Lo’ for Hills Feud
Audrina Patridge, who shares a home with her Hills costars Lauren Conrad and Lauren “Lo” Bosworth, may be the odd one out — but she’s not blaming her roommates.
The 23-year-old brunette admits to the L.A. Times that there was tension between herself and the two Laurens, but that the media and editing have blown the feud out of proportion.
“Things change and friendships do drift apart sometimes,” she says. “Lauren and I aren’t not friends, we’re just not as close as we used to be.”
But it’s not the fault of Bosworth, who doesn’t always come off on the show as a fan of Audrina.
“I don’t really blame Lo, she and Lauren have been friends for a long time,” says Patridge, who adds that the fight gets cleared up in the upcoming fourth season, and that she and Conrad still try to hang out once a week.
As for Audrina’s sometimes-passive appearance on the show, she says that’s due to the time constraints of the Hills editors.
“I don’t feel like they show me on The Hills sticking up for myself. They edit that out,” she says. “In real life, though, I’m bubbly and fun and talkative, and when you see me on the show I’m always sitting there and sad. But I’m fine with it because it’s not my show.”
But being on the MTV show, which returns Aug. 18 (10 p.m. ET on MTV), has helped her for her upcoming role the sequel to Into the Blue.
“It’s so different from a reality show because I have lines to memorize,” she says.”The Hills definitely helped just in terms of being in front of the cameras and being used to crews watching me. It made it a lot more comfortable on a film set.”(people.com)
Labels: Entertainment news
Posted by jack at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Mistakes That Were Found In The Dark Knight…See If You Can Spot Them!
We all know we want to go see The Dark Knight a million times at least. So while you watch it your million and first time look at this list I found of mistakes in the film…(I will not read one of them…I haven’t even seen it once yet!!!)(And for those people reading this on your phone…keep this list handy as a check list at the theatre…everyone will love you for it!)
FInd out all the mistakes people found…after the jump….
Continuity: When Harvey Dent loses his face and is lying in the hospital bed, when he’s turned with the damaged side against the pillow, we can see the inside of the side of his mouth which should be damaged, but it’s fully intact. Then when he turns it’s suddenly burned away.
Continuity: On the prisoner’s ferry, supposedly just before midnight, the prisoner stands up to take the detonator from the guard. As he stands up, the clock shows it’s roughly 11:30/11:35. Then his body covers the clock and he moves forward. When you see the clock again, it shows it’s just before midnight.
Revealing: During the end of the car chase, when the Joker is out of his truck and Batman is on the Batpod coming towards him, you can see a store sign that reads “Chicago Supply”.
Continuity: When Bruce Wayne is talking to Alfred while having his arm stitched, in shots from the side he’s looking downwards, but in other shots he’s looking up towards Alfred.
Other: In the scene where Joker is goading the one guard until the guard can no longer control himself: each time the Joker is shown goading him, there is a large piece of glass on the window ledge behind the Joker. It is really obvious, and makes it easy to guess what is about to happen. This piece of glass is much thicker than any of the other shattered pieces of glass on the ledge.
Continuity: In the scene where Alfred is stitching up Bruce, Bruce says “I was meant to inspire people” and as he says “people” the shot changes and his lips aren’t moving but the audio track continues.
Factual error: After the tunnel ambush when they get air support again they show the view from the helicopter of a SWAT member with an M16 and an EOTech sight attached. If you look closely the red dot scope is mounted backwards on the weapon.
Continuity: In the car chase, as they exit onto lower 5th, the convoy has, in order, a police cruiser, 2 swat vans, then 2 cruisers. When the garbage truck pulls up next to the convoy, he takes out the second to last cruiser first (there is a car visible behind). It then spins out another cruiser in front of it before reaching the van with Dent in it, but there should have been no other cruiser between that one and the van
Continuity: Joker and Two-face are in the hospital; Harvey is about to flip the coin to decide if the Joker lives or dies. The camera angle switches back and forth between the Joker and Harvey. From one angle Harvey is wearing the monitor clamp on his middle finger with the grey wire, from the other angle it is gone. It disappears and re-appears every time the camera angle changes.
Continuity: When Two-Face has hold of Gordon’s kid and is flipping the coin to “decide” who gets to live, he flips and catches it in his left hand. Between flips, there’s a close-up of the kid’s face, and Two-Face is stroking the kid’s hair - with his left hand. No coin in sight.
Continuity: In the scene where the Joker is robbing the mob bank (in the first 3 minutes of the film), a Clown Thug is seen knocking down the security guard in the background. A few shots later, the same security guard is knocked down in the same manner before the Clown Thug is shot.
Continuity: When pointing the gun at himself, the Joker’s finger is on the hammer in one scene, and in the next, his finger is pointing straight up.
Continuity: The Joker’s hair length changes dramatically throughout the film. It is noticeably shorter in the police interrogation scene than in the rest of the film.
Continuity: In the scene where Batman is interrogating the Joker, Batman hits his right hand, but in the next shot the Joker is examining his left hand.
Continuity: During the Batman/Joker interrogation scene, the amount of make up on Joker’s face changes between shots. This is particularly noticeable on his chin and forehead, and is not consistent with reasonable rub off from the altercation.
Continuity: In the scene where Batman is interrogating the Joker at the police station, Batman pins the Joker up against the wall with his arm at the Joker’s neck effectively holding him in place. There are two different camera angles used back and forth - in camera angle one the joker is clenching Batman’s arm from underneath, while in the other shot the Joker’s arm is draped over the top of Batman’s arm.
Continuity: When Bruce first walks off onto his balcony during the party, he completely empties his glass over the edge. When Rachel comes out to speak with him, his glass still has a small amount of champagne left in it.
Continuity: When Batman is about to glide into Lau’s building they show him standing on the ledge about two meters from the corner, ready to make his jump. Cut camera angle to an overhead shot and he is standing on the corner of the building when he makes his jump.
Continuity: In the scene in the warehouse where Harvey Dent was held hostage, when Batman gets him outside and the building explodes, Dent’s face and some of his left side catches on fire. You can see him bring his hands to his face to try and put out the fire while he’s lying on the ground. Yet in the hospital scene a bit later, his hand(s) are completely wound free.
Other: Once inside Lau’s building, Lau’s bodyguards fire several shots at Batman while he is fighting. The bullets shatter the glass partitions inside the office but the exterior windows of the building, directly in the line of fire and only a few feet further than the partitions, are all entirely undamaged.
Factual error: The way Two-Face’s face moves is impossible given the extent of his injuries. His lips, cheeks, and eyes all move in such a way that would require muscles which are missing.
Labels: movie
Posted by jack at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Britney Spears enjoys romance holiday with mystery man
Britney Spears has been spotted flirting with a mystery man in Mexico. The "Toxic" singer, who has flown to Cabo San Lucas for a sunshine holiday with a group of friends, looked back to her best in a skimpy white bikini as she danced around a swimming pool with the dark-haired handsome stranger. Britney's steamy tango was caught on camera as a blonde pal filmed the pair. A source said: "Britney looked stunning and was clearly enjoying the attention of her male friend. At one point, the guy tipped her right back and she was screaming with laughter.
They made a great couple. They also had a swim in the pool together - Britney couldn't keep her hands off him." Britney looked happy and relaxed as she laughed and joked with her group of friends - which included George Maloof, the owner of Las Vegas' Palms Hotel and Casino - as they soaked up the sun.
The 26-year-old star was later seen frolicking on a beach before cooling off with a swim in the sea. Last week, Britney saw her ex-husband Kevin Federline retain custody of their sons Sean Preston, two, and Jayden James, 22 months.
The singer's lawyer Laura Wasser said: "Britney is doing great. The difference in her from the beginning of the year is astonishing."
Labels: Entertainment news
Posted by jack at 7:03 PM 0 comments
King Kong of cats needs a home
This 44-pound feline may not have missed too many meals - but is missing a home right now.
We're not kitty-ing when we say this feline tips the scales at 44 pounds.
The cat, which was found waddling around Voorhees, N.J, without a collar, is being cared for at the Camden County animal shelter in Blackwood, N.J. It's unknown whether this King Kong of kitties packed on the pounds by dining a la cat and mouse on the Garden State's public thoroughfares or simply left home in search of better grub.
Whatever the case, the cat needs a home and is probably hungry.
Posted by jack at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Miley Sought for Safe-Sex Ed
It may not be Disney's first choice of sponsor for their brightest—albeit increasingly antsy—teen star, but teaming Miley Cyrus with a condom manufacturer may not be as ridiculous a notion as it might have been, say, six months ago.
In a shameless publicity grab (and yes, we bit), LifeStyles Condoms has offered the 15-year-old Hannah Montana star $1 million to become the newest purveyor of prophylactics and to become the company spokeswomangirl.
While Cyrus has vowed to save herself for marriage, the company says the young star should never say never.
Pointing to a certain fellow tween queen (cough, Jamie Lynn Spears, cough), LifeStyles claims that, should Cyrus choose to get into bed with them, so to speak, she may enjoy a less dysfunctional future.
"Pop culture proves that teens are more ready than ever to discuss the subject of sex," says the company's VP of marketing, Carol Carrozza. "We believe that Miley is both influential and relatable to this afflicted set—and is the obvious choice to get the message of safe sex out to teens across America."
Team Cyrus, however, doesn't seem so smitten with the proposal. "We never received an offer, nor would she consider the offer," her rep tells E! News.
But LifeStyles isn't giving up easily. The condom dispenser is willing to sweeten the deal: When she comes of legal age, the company is prepared to offer Cyrus a lifetime supply of condoms.
Labels: Entertainment news
Posted by jack at 7:16 AM 0 comments
'I was paid £200 for sex'
I SOLD MY BODY to be an A-grade student’
As she peeled off her clothes in front of the man on the bed, Nicky Mackenzie felt sick to her stomach.
She was about to have sex with a stranger for £200 in order to fund her prescription drug habit.
“I’d taken Valium before I got to his house to block out what I was doing,” she says.
“I was petrified, so I just tried to keep my mind focused on the money.”
Waking up in her own bed the next morning, Nicky was faced with a stark reminder of just how low she had sunk.
“There was a photo on my bedside table of me as a child with my family,” she says.
“I looked so innocent, and I asked myself: ‘How have I come to this?’”
But Nicky’s self-loathing didn’t stop her having sex with two more men she met through an internet escort agency – raising a total of £800 for a secret drug habit which had left her thousands of pounds in debt.
Nicky, now 22, had first dabbled in drugs when she was studying for her A levels.
A break-up with a boyfriend left her struggling to concentrate so, in desperation, she trawled the internet for drugs to help her focus.
“I ordered a bottle of Ephedrine, a US diet pill with a stimulant effect, which is prescription-only in the UK but available online,” she explains.“It gave me the energy to stay up all night studying, and I achieved three A grades.”
Nicky won a place at Sheffield University to study English Literature and decided to start afresh without relying on drugs.
“For the first six weeks I bonded with a group of girls and loved life,” says Nicky.
“We went out drinking and clubbing, and I barely slept I was so busy socialising.
"But it was a shock going from small school classes to huge lectures and I slowly began to feel overwhelmed.
“Soon, rather than going out, I stayed in my room alone chain-smoking, ignoring my work and my friends.
"I also began self-harming, taking a razor blade to my arms.”
Midway through her first year, Nicky became so low she tried to kill herself by wrapping cassette tape around her neck until she passed out.

She woke a few hours later, so distraught at how depressed she’d become that she decided to take stimulants again, believing they would stop her feeling suicidal, and help her get back on track with her studies.
She met a dealer through someone she knew and started snorting Ritalin, an amphetamine-like stimulant given to people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is believed to improve memory and brain function.
“I could work all night, my mind never wandered and I never felt tired,” says Nicky.
But she continued suffering bouts of depression and in 2005 – when she was 19 – she went to see her doctor who diagnosed bipolar disorder, characterised by cycles of extreme highs and lows.
She was prescribed antidepressants, but carried on taking illicit prescription drugs and became increasingly withdrawn from her family, friends and her new boyfriend, a fellow student.
They were unaware of her drug abuse but had started to become concerned by her behaviour.
By her third year, Nicky was using Ritalin every morning to get up and Valium to calm down at night.
She was also snorting speed and taking antidepressants, spending £190 a week from her student loan on drugs.
“I was weak, had a constant headache, and started getting dizzy.
"But I felt I needed this cocktail of drugs to focus and to stabilise my moods,” she says.
“I’d applied to do a Masters in English and needed a 2:1. I felt I wouldn’t get it without the drugs.”
Nicky got the degree she needed, but faced with a £2,000 debt and another year of studying, she began to panic about money.
Bar work just didn’t pay enough, so Nicky started researching quick ways to make cash online.
She found a website for an escort agency and, despite still being with her boyfriend, she posted an advert saying she was available for £200 an hour.
“I received lots of replies,” she says.
“One man only lived five minutes away and I thought: ‘Why not?’ It sounded like easy money.
“I had sex with three men. On each occasion I was high on Valium and felt like an actress playing a part.
"I hated every minute and afterwards I’d go home and cry, feeling disgusted with myself.
"I was full of self-loathing. I tried to avoid my boyfriend – I couldn’t look him in the eye.”
Nicky’s wake-up call came in September 2007 when she was accepted on to a Masters degree course, also at Sheffield University.
“I’d always felt worthless, that I’d never get anywhere in life.
"But when I heard I’d got a place, I suddenly realised I had a good brain and I really could make a contribution to society,” she explains.
“It made me take a long hard look at myself, and I finally understood I was worth more than selling my body to strangers.”
Nicky came clean to her boyfriend of 18 months, fully expecting him to end their relationship.
Instead he stood by her.
“He wasn’t even angry, just worried about me. He said he hadn’t realised how desperately low I was,” she says.
Nicky called her parents too.
“I cried when I told Mum, but she was understanding and didn’t make me feel ashamed,” she says.
Horrified his daughter had gone to such lengths to obtain money, her father, an accountant, immediately paid off her debts.
Eight months into her Masters degree, Nicky, who hopes to be an English teacher, is now putting the past behind her.
She went cold turkey to come off the drugs, and says she no longer craves them.
“I couldn’t have done it without the love and support of my boyfriend and family,” she says.
“I regret what happened, but I feel that I’ve been given a second chance and I want to make a success of the rest of my life.”
Dr Hilary says: “The drugs Nicky took all have potentially dangerous side effects. Being prone to dramatic mood swings because of her bipolar disorder would have made Nicky much more vulnerable to emotional highs and lows. For these reasons, these drugs are only available under strict supervision on the NHS – which is why obtaining them online from overseas is fraught with danger.”
Labels: Entertainment news
Posted by jack at 12:22 AM 0 comments
Kobe in training session for Olympics
U.S. basketball team player Kobe Bryant stretches during a training session for the Beijing Olympics at the Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel in Macau July 29, 2008.
Labels: Olympic
Posted by jack at 12:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Rihanna's Music , And Her Success
Rihanna ’s music has always been great, and quite popular around the world nowadays. Her hit “Take a Bow” has been an amazing success. One of those songs that just pokes at you making you just want to listen and listen over again, and so on. This doesn’t just dramatically appeal to this one hit song, but it appeals to her other songs as well such as : Umbrella, which had sprung out rapidly, gaining a load amount of radio listeners, especially downloads, as well as new fans of course. Rihanna has been such a great artist, her amazing voice and her amazing talent of writing has proven of how she can keep running with hits. The hit “Take a Bow” has been standing on the top ten downloads for quite sometime now. Quite amazing music, you should check it out, you wont regret it if your into hip hop or pop, but it doesn’t matter! Rihanna’s music won’t disappoint for sure!
Labels: music
Posted by jack at 10:53 PM 0 comments
German nudists complain of Polish peepers
Patrons of a German nude beach on the Polish border say beachgoers on the other side of the border come to stare at the exposed skin.
Ines Muller, a German naturist, said Poles come fully clothed to the beach on their side of the border and stare at the nude swimmers and sunbathers, The Sun reported Monday.
"You feel like an ape in the zoo. The Poles come with their binoculars, stare and swear," Muller said.
Beach patrons said there used to be a fence separating the German and Polish beaches, but it was torn down as part of a 2007 agreement between the countries.
"It's a nudist beach. It's terrible that the Poles come over dressed and stare," said German Elke Bernholz.
Some Poles said the proximity of the two beaches annoys them as much as it does the Germans.
"It's horrible -- we would never bathe naked, we are Catholic," said one beach-going Pole from the town of Swinemunde.
Posted by jack at 10:43 PM 0 comments